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Ep32 | Jake Newman - Rapsodo Golf

Season #1 Episode #32

Jake Newman is the Golf Marketing Coordinator as Rapsodo Golf. Rapsodo's mobile launch monitor (MLM) was voted best personal launch monitor by MyGolfSpy and also the official launch monitor for Golf Digest. In this episode we discuss the technology behind the Rapsodo MLM, why people should consider using one, and how their community is leveraging some of the best instructors in the world. We also discuss Jake's journey through golf and playing in college at Maryville University.

0:54 - Jake's Origin Story
2:20 - Jake's Current Collegiate Golf Experience
4:27 - Jake's Journey With Rapsodo
7:20 - Rapsodo's Origin Story
9:30 - Rapsodo's Technology In The Launch Monitor
16:00 - Rapsodo's Traction In The Launch Monitor Market
17:45 - What Industry Leaders Are Using The Monitor
21:20 - Jake's Collegiate Golf Schedule
26:37 - What's In The Bag
29:25 - Shotgun Round
37:21 - Words Of Wisdom 

Follow Rapsodo and all they are doing @Rapsodo and follow Jake @JakeNewman35 on instagram